Posts Tagged "TarotCards"

2019 Cancer Eclipse begins Sheep Month

Posted by on Jun 27, 2019 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

METAL SHEEP MONTH July 2 -30 2019 July 2 2019 is a new Moon eclipse in Cancer. Water sign Cancer rules the 4th house of family, home, and the importance of nurturing self and others. This new Moon begins the month of the Metal Sheep that’s naturally fortunate in a Pig year. Sheep is a gentle and artistic soul. The element Metal represents the clean, pristine environment in feng shui. Time to pare down, give away, and refine during Sheep month. There are two eclipses in July: this new Moon solar eclipse, and on July 11 a full Moon lunar eclipse. Eclipses can bring insights and emotional...

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2019 Libra Full Moon in Dragon Month

Posted by on Apr 16, 2019 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments

2019 Libra Full Moon in Dragon Month

April 19 2019 is a full Moon in Libra. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of partnership, so focus is on your most close and intimate connections. Libra is ruled by Venus that brings peace and harmony. And Venus squares Jupiter, a favorable square to do what you enjoy! So relax into this festive Pig year. Eat, drink, and be merry this full Moon weekend. The Sun conjuncts Uranus for independence and self sufficiency. There’s a desire for exciting new experiences, and to break from habits that feel restrictive. The full Moon is opposite this Sun and Uranus conjunction so if you are...

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Fear of the Death Card #13

Posted by on May 12, 2017 in Tarot | 0 comments

Fear of the Death Card #13

This morning I received a phone call from a woman who was interested in a tarot card reading about a relationship with her friend. They’ve known each other for many years, but the friend was jealous, becoming more and more difficult, and was more of a frenemy than a true friend.  I told her to prepare three questions, or topics, for the cards. Her first question can be about the friendship. Then she told me that she was reluctant because she feared the Death card. I told here that if she did get the Death card, then clearly time to end the friendship! Death. It’s over. She...

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The Moon Card in the Tarot Deck

Posted by on Jul 2, 2016 in Astrology, New Moon, Tarot | 0 comments

Happy new Moon in Cancer this July 4th 2016! A tarot card that many people have trouble understanding is The Moon card, number 18 of the 22 major arcana cards in the tarot pack. Tarot cards illustrate symbols and myths that are allegorical of life experiences and situations. By reading your personal experience in the cards, you become part of the collective whole of human experience. This greater whole is based on the structural foundation of the four elements fire, water, air, and earth. These four elements are symbolized as the wand (club), cup (heart), sword (spade), and pentacle...

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