Aries New Moon begins Dragon Month
NEW MOON in ARIES Sunday March 30, 2014 is a new Moon in Aries at 11:45 am PDT. Lively Fire sign Aries is a brave leader and strong pioneer. Sun, Moon, and Uranus are all in Aries so time for something new and different. Take a risk, travel, explore! Fortunately there are planetary trines in the heavens that can bring a natural flow of luck your way. Mercury in Pisces trines Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio. These Water signs help to communicate both feelings and ideas. You can make plans, business activity is favored, and it’s lucky to network and expand your circle. Venus...
Read MoreURANUS SQUARE PLUTO: Occupy or Tea Party?
December 2014 update: I posted this in October 2013 when Americans took to the streets to protest income disparity. Now Americans are protesting police brutality because BLACK LIVES MATTER! URANUS SQUARE PLUTO: Occupy or Tea Party? URANUS in Aries squares PLUTO in Capricorn on the following dates: NOVEMBER 1 2013, April 21 2014, December 14 2014, and March 16 2015. Uranus symbolizes freedom, radical change, and liberation. Pluto (especially in Earth sign Capricorn) represents the conservative power structure. And the reigning PLUTOcracy, a government of wealthy men, has become globalized...
Read MoreNEW MOON in ARIES begins FIRE DRAGON month
NEW MOON IN ARIES Wednesday April 10 at 2:35 am PDT is a new Moon in the dynamic Fire sign Aries. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, and Uranus are all in Aries so take action and be the leader not the follower. This new Moon is a very fortunate time to start new endeavors and pursue goals. It’s fortunate to socialize, network, and expand your circle. Love and romance are favored so be innovative, creative, and take risks — even though a new love affair could fizzle fast. Still, risks are rewarded and the time is now. FIRE DRAGON MONTH This new Moon begins the month of the Fire Dragon when...
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