Nov 18 – 24, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology
Highlights this week are an exciting Metal Tiger Wednesday, a good day for a party Water Dragon Friday, and a deep double Water Snake Saturday! Mon Nov 18 is a fortunate Earth Rat day when the Moon sextiles Uranus for a bit of restlessness, but also creative outside-the-box thinking that analytical Rat appreciates. Sun trines Jupiter for optimism and good feelings, curbing Rat’s natural cynicism. Jupiter trines Saturn to build on your current foundation. Rat day luck strong for Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey, and during Rat hours 11 pm – 1 am. Tues Nov 19 is an Earth Ox day when Mars...
Read MoreMay 20 – 26, 2013 THE WEEK IN CHINESE ASTROLOGY
Highlights this week are a productive Earth Rat day on Wednesday, an intense full Moon eclipse on Thursday at 9:25 pm PDT on a strong Metal Tiger day, and a pleasurable Rabbit day on Saturday. Mon May 20 is an exciting Fire Dog day to live up to your ideals. Communication planet Mercury sextiles Uranus for creativity, innovation, and an element of genius. Follow your truth and do not compromise on this Dog day to create new ideas and methods. Uranus squares Pluto to release outdated ideas and life structures. Whatever is lost, it’s time to go. Luck is strongest for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger,...
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