Posts Tagged "water"

The Structure of Tarot: Major, Minor, or Court

Posted by on Sep 11, 2016 in Tarot | 7 comments

Do you sometimes get lost when reading the 78 tarot cards?  When I teach tarot and a student can’t interpret a card, I ask if the card is major, minor, or court. If you can place the card in one of those three categories, then you can determine meaning by following the structure of tarot. There are 22 major arcana cards, 40 minor arcana cards, and 16 court cards. (Arcana means secret, or arcane.) Each tarot card is either major, minor, or court. The 22 cards of the major arcana tell the story of the Fool’s journey. They are a richly symbolic pattern of a very old mystery. They...

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Healing Baths during Mercury Retrograde

Posted by on May 23, 2015 in Astrology | 0 comments

Healing Baths during Mercury Retrograde

If you are feeling a bit scattered during this Mercury retrograde in Gemini, a series of 5 healing baths can help you feel better, get grounded, and be more in your body. At a drug store, purchase a big bag of Epsom salts or a couple of boxes of baking soda (not baking powder). They are inexpensive and available for everyone. In the evening, take a bath in warm water with a half cup or full cup of Epson salts, or a bath of a half cup or full cup of baking soda. Be sure to submerge your head under the water. Stay in the water for as long as you can until the water cools off. You can take all...

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