HARMONY TRINE So far this Fire Monkey year is a wild ride! And there’s much more to come as energy becomes stronger during the heat of summer, only to intensify in autumn. So stay strong on your path, and continue to be brave in this Monkey year. Because Fire Monkey year energy is so extreme, I’ve received many emails from people all over the world asking me about lucky charms for Monkey year. A popular charm is Monkey with Monkey’s best friends Rat and Dragon. Monkey, Rat, and Dragon together make a harmony trine of animals. Monkey correlates to Leo, Rat to Sagittarius,...
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FULL MOON in LEO January 23, 2016 at 5:46 pm PT is a full Moon in Leo. Time to express yourself under the influence of dynamic Fire sign Leo! So use these last two weeks of Sheep year to create beauty in your environment. Make your home comfy, and make your workplace lovely. Monkey year begins on the new Moon February 8. Venus, Mercury, and Pluto are all in Earth sign Capricorn to get jobs done, and to make bold moves that complete projects. Fortunately Mars trines Neptune in Waters signs, Jupiter trines Pluto in Earth signs, and Saturn trines Uranus in Fire signs. Focused activities bring...
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