“I recently had a Tarot reading with Susan Levitt. I brought questions about my career, which she transformed from fog into crystal clarity. Every insight and morsel of wisdom she shared elevated my vantage point. I felt empowered with tools Susan shared, so as to embark on the adventure of my new job and still stay on course with my other creative projects. But what I appreciated most dearly was how much of a healer Susan is. My spouse had been quite ill and Susan took great care to offer paths towards holistic restoration. Susan gave me hope. I am a client for life.”
– Mae Edwards, engineer, El Segundo CA
“About Matt, my son, I came for a Tarot reading a couple summers ago with my darling red-headed stepdaughter Sara, who Susan called the little hen. Anyhow, I used Susan’s Tarot book with my Waite-Rider deck with amazing results. On New Years day, I always throw a 3 card spread for the year ahead. For Matt, my son (Susan did a phone reading after he got busted for a bat to a car a few years ago, he’s a hockey player) the Tarot said he would have a great year (he’s an ox like me).
Now this is a kid who was currently under indictment for pot smoking, flunked out of the first semester of school, running with terrible kids. But the Tarot said it was going to be good, go figure. I feng-shied his room, (took his bed out of the coffin position) according to Susan’s Feng Shui book, grounded him from the terrible kids, and guess what? He was on the honor roll second semester, has a job now, dumped the kids and made a nice friend, and life is good. Bless you for all the help you have given our family through our personal contact and your wonderful books.”
– Mary Parr, nurse practitioner, Tucson AZ
“Thanks for the CD of our reading – I received it yesterday. I’m laughing so hard at everything! I sure had a skewed point of view! Thanks for clarifying things for me.”
– Janet Hall, San Francisco CA
“A few years ago I gave my friend who works with me a gift certificate for a tarot reading for her birthday. She went and was advised to continue to date this one guy that she didn’t think there was any future in. She wasn’t convinced but Susan kept insisting (he was a chariot) and they were married last April and are very much in love!!”
– Laura Messina, vice president of public relations, San Francisco CA
“Thank you so much for the tarot reading. It was awesome and so reassuring to hear everything you had to say about work, family, and life. I really appreciate it! I look forward to doing my baby Violet’s birth chart. She’s a Hare and an Aquarius, but that’s all I know.”
– Tonya Chan, Honolulu HI
“Your advise on handling my difficult step-daughter, the Queen of Swords, is getting me through some trying times quite nicely. I refer her to her father!! She is asking for money now, along with the free rent, even though her mother paid her share five months in advance. She has kicked out her daughter’s father so there is a lot of drama around that. It feels great to not feel responsible to try to fix any of that any more. Thanks for your advise from the Tarot Card reading.”
– Sandra Miller, project manager, Los Angeles CA
“I wanted to thank you again for your reading. I feel 10 pounds lighter after getting rid of my ex’s emails and books. Yesterday, I went to the beach and sat in the sun to write my “letter” to him. I didn’t want to take it with me on my drive home. Throwing it in the trash didn’t seem final enough to me. So I tore it into pieces, plugged my nose and dropped it into a nasty port-a-potty I passed on the trail. That will do, I think!
Listened to the CD again. You’re right…every thing you told me rings so true especially about my sons. I worked on a treatment for the documentary and did more research this weekend. It’s great to have something to pour my energy into again. So, I don’t know what brought us together but I am very grateful to have met you and that you shared your gift with me. I hope to check in with you again as time goes by. You are amazing.”
– Margaret Holman, San Francisco CA
“I am sorry that this email is LONG over due… I have been meaning to write to you for a while to tell you my great news! You might remember our conversation back in October regarding my future and what I should be putting my energies towards. Through our conversation and the cards, you helped direct my focus towards finding a job in Shanghai and being close to my father (AKA “Zeus!”)
Well since then I have pretty much followed your (and the cards) advice, I called Papa, I flew to Shanghai in January and spent the week following up on all the leads, contacts and friends of friends that he had in the art world. I have some potential opportunities to show at two galleries. I am absolutely thrilled to have received some positive feedback and to have found some ideal spaces for which to create my art work. But more importantly through a fortunate connection and acquaintance, I have been offered (and have accepted) the position of Textile Designer.
I cannot believe my fortune! It is a dream come true and so much better than just a job teaching English… It’s incredible! I cannot thank you enough for the words of wisdom, support and advice that you gave me in our session but more than anything your contagious enthusiasm and hope for my future gave me new energy and renewed faith in my potential. I ship my things at the end of April, I will be finishing up the semester at RISD and will fly out May 28th with a target start date of June 6th at ICICLE. Both my brother (in San Francisco) and my father have heard the CD that you recorded for me… so you may just get a phone call or email from either of them when they need some direction in their own futures! It is quite incredible what our one session has done to redirect my life path in such a positive direction! I could not imagine how I would feel right now about staying in Providence without this exciting opportunity ahead of me. I hate to imagine! (A slow journey to alcoholism perhaps…) Anyway, I just wanted to let you know this great news and to thank you a million times over!”
– Laura Shirref, textile designer and artist, Shanghai China
“I first met Susan Levitt while celebrating a wedding anniversary at the beautiful Skylonda resort and spa in northern California. I deeply believe in the wisdom of Tarot and Astrology and at the time of my consultation with Susan I had many questions regarding whether or not I should pursue a new career path. What’s so amazing and different about Susan’s readings is that they are so complete. She doesn’t speak in generalities. She gives you concrete suggestions and advice on how to proceed with your questions about your life.
I have had several consultations with Susan since that first meeting in 2000 and I am so excited to report that in just two years with the guidance of Susan and the cards, I am living my new career and being paid more per day than I ever had made in my life! If you are ready to make a change in your life but are not sure which path to take, consult with Susan. She will guide you each step of the way! Thank you Susan for helping me make my dreams come true.”
– Rebecca Hulem, health educator, Phoenix AZ
“The tarot reading you provided was amazingly accurate and insightful. I would like to thank you so much for the learning experience I just had. You really shed some light on the path that lay ahead. Rather, you brightened the light that was previously dim and unsure. How can I fully express my gratitude?! My self-confidence has been like a sick child in recovery; the support I just received from your reading was the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. The mirror you presented me has shown me a reflection of my own light and is allowing me a very new feeling of truly trusting my feelings and intuition. Your service is invaluable. In return I send you my sincere wishes of peace and love. May your Journey fulfill you.”
– Bradley Herre, Phoenix AZ
“Oh my God! Susan is incredible, wonderful, professional, helpful, talented, enthusiastic and I can’t wait to get my CD! I can’t remember everything, so I’m looking forward to “hearing” it again. I’m thrilled! Thanks for helping me. I am beyond pleased with my reading.”
– Colleen Copp, mother, New York NY
“Thank you so much for creating an atmosphere so conducive to going to the heart of things. I feel so much lighter, like a new person. I will do everything I can to act constructively on the many observations and recommendations that you made. And the light in your home is very beautiful.”
– Richard Sorgon, radiologist, Scottsdale AZ
“I want to thank you again for your kindness. Your readings really were exceptionally accurate. I read part of your book Introduction to Tarot and have already gotten more out of it than the other books that I own, even those written by the ‘tarot goddesses.’ You have a real gift.”
– Milton Harkness, Seattle WA
“I don’t know if you remember it, but about 4 years ago, you said those magic words, “Sell the airplane. But don’t you have a helicopter? <yes> Go with the helicopters! You might have MANY helicopters!” OK, then, I have 7 now, 10 employees and 6 pilots, and a thriving business. I tell people this, and they get chills up and down their spines. Thank you, Susan!”
– Laurie Pitman, entrepreneur, Santa Rosa CA
“Thank you for making my daughter Claire’s reading with you so positive. She left the city feeling empowered! I was blown away by how uplifted she was. I never expected that. 🙂 On this rainy night in northern California I’ve stopped moving long enough to properly say…”thank you!”
– Judy Freeman, mother, Napa CA
“People always ask me why I go to a tarot reader, like I’m gullible and need to be warned against them. I go because what Susan tells me is SPECIFIC. Here is an example: I asked Susan when my search for a home would happen (impossible to find and close in Manhattan) and Susan told it would all come together at summer solstice, which is close to my birthday so I remembered that. Three years later I looked at my closing papers and the exact date of signing was on summer solstice!”
– Janet Baker, web designer, New York NY
“Thank you so much for yesterday. I was so needing your wisdom. You really listened and let me vent, getting in touch with all of the these deeper feelings is so triggering, and you helped me work through a lot of that vendetta energy and then showed me the right path of the deer, instead. I am so grateful.”
– Amy Chin, accountant, San Francisco CA
“Hi, it’s Robert from Berkeley. Thank you so much Susan for the delightful reading in SF. I was glad to bring up questions that I usually just read cards for myself, but you brought up a fresh perspective to all my questions. I now know that to improve Acataco 2 we must promote/cater events of celebration including a liquor license (3 of Cups). FIDM or an Art School in SF is the path I need (6 of Cups). I also really need my car in Berkeley (Wheel of Fortune). Believe me, I WILL get my car here before Mercury Retro., having a car here will improve my movement and opportunities.
In love, I am (9 of Coins), the other crazy guys I should avoid (8 of Swords), but I will find my good and loving boyfriend (The Empress). You have been the first person to tell me that my penmanship shouldn’t be backhand, but forward! For my animal card I am the mouse (slow and steady wins the race). I am a Purple/Fire Hare in Taoist Astrology (Artistic and Loving) and that I am a compassionate person.
I listened to our reading, it was quite funny and enjoyable. It also reminded me that I have come a long way to find happiness and love. I’ve been reading your Intro to Tarot and Teen Feng Shui, and I love them already. I just learned that I am in my Two Year (The Priestess) and that next year the Three Year will be really enjoyable. Thank you again Susan for being such a motivation and easy-going person. I will definitely come see you again in SF really soon!”
– Robert Solis, student, Berkeley CA
“Your tarot reading was accurate to a T. There was nothing in the tarot that wasn’t true. I remember I had the Hermit in the middle, and on my left-hand side the cards showed my potential for the next two years. These cards indicated two people who will help me, and they were instrumental in my success.”
– Danny Hong, software engineer, Palo Alto CA
“Wow! Yours is the best reading I’ve ever had! Thank you so much! You helped to ground my thoughts in a way that is exactly what I needed. Your insights are amazing. There’s a very special irony I want to share with you. My move to Tucson is being empowered by help from my son whose name is Raven. To see the Raven as my animal card is amazing. Bravo, wonderful lady! Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Cathleen Devlin, Portland OR
“I just wanted to let you know I received my charts, CD, etc. on Wednesday, apparently sent by special intergalactic mail to have arrived in Madison from San Francisco in such record time! I loved your presentation in the beautiful red folder. It was all so professionally done! I immediately placed the folder in my wealth gua because I felt so blessed with a wealth of information. I plan on listening to the CD tomorrow, on my birthday. I really enjoyed your take on my chart and appreciate you taking the time to help me decipher the mystery of my birth time. Between realizing I’m actually a double Libra and hearing about all those Earthy animals in my Taoist chart, I almost feel as though I have an entirely new identity! – Catherine Vitale, graduate student, Madison WI
“Thank you so much, the CD has arrived and how true everything is!!! I’ve listened to the CD once and I have to listen it again a few times more to really get everything in. I totally understood everything, you speak very clearly, so no problem at all. Funny thing is that I love Dragons, I didn’t know that there were two Dragons in my Four Pillars chart. You have no idea how much I’ve been laughing. I feel like you had a camera so you could see my life.”
– Carolina Casagrande, Turku Finland
“Susan, thank you so much for your time this morning. I think you’ve got to be the best astrologer ever and trust me, I’ve seen many. You were right on without even knowing me. I hope you will guide me through this lifetime.”
– Linda Chang. engineer, San Francisco CA
“I’m so grateful that I did my chart with you because this really changed my life. There are so many thing that I did not know about myself, like being the dog and seeing things in either black or white. That is so me. I had my chart done before a long time ago, but your chart interpretation really helped me to understand. Both my daughters want their charts too.”
– Jennifer Kramer, mother, Los Angeles CA
“A little over a year ago my mother-in-law, Elaine Miller, passed away. While going through her things, my (now ex) husband found a cassette tape of a conversation between you and his mother of a chart reading you had done on him. I think it was dated from 1994 when he was 27. He never knew she had his chart read or the existence of the taped recording. We both listened to it and were incredibly spooked by how COMPLETELY accurate it was! Up until that day I had always thought astrology was a sham…but have to believe after listening to the tape. Some of the many things you predicted (forgive me if I don’t use appropriate terminology) which came to pass, were that he would find happiness in his mid 30s, marry an older woman – a Sagittarius, have a daughter who he would adore, and would have major problems if he insisted on control later on. When I heard the tape, it gave me goose bumps and really freaked me out! A year later I still think about this tape and wonder about your gift. I finally googled you and decided to write and tell you this story.”
– Beverly Miller, Haymarket VA
“I was referred to Susan well over a decade ago and I have been using her services and referring to her books ever since. I grew up in a metaphysical household so I began seeing all sorts of intuitives and astrologers in my pre-teens and no one has impressed me as much as Susan. She just did my yearly forecast for my 40th birthday and after all these years I am still blown away by her vast knowledge and keen ability to clearly explain the charts and aspects, as well as what and why to pay attention to certain things; and the best part is she tailors the reading to each individual so you won’t get vague generalities from her. I have found her to be incredibly accurate.
All I can say is “Thank goodness for Susan Levitt,” she has assisted me in navigating through some incredibly difficult decisions and many major life changing situations throughout the years. With the information she gives me, I am able to make more informed decisions, and sometimes-just plain know when to hide and not take any action!
I am on Susan’s email list and I am a fan on her Facebook page and the time she spends sending out helpful guidance for free throughout the year is invaluable. I often find myself forwarding emails or reposting them to certain colleagues, friends and family that I know will find the information useful. If you haven’t read her books, they are a “must buy.” I have used one of the books so much that the cover is falling off; seriously, I taped the cover back together.
I love Susan’s upbeat and fun personality and I always enjoy my readings (even in the times when the news isn’t favorable). I especially appreciate how she repeats the information to be sure I understand and she writes notes on the reports and records the session so you can truly use the information as a guide. I never hesitate to refer Susan and I always receive positive feedback when I do. She is beyond experienced and knowledgeable, very accurate, sincere, genuine, and grounded. Take the leap, you won’t regret it.”
– Tiffany Romney, event planner, Palm Desert CA
“I listened to the recording of my birth chart and was completely mesmerized. In fact on my second listen I had it on my pillow and fell peacefully asleep to Susan’s voice. This may just happen again. Thank you for making it so thorough and interesting and knowledgeable and mostly…your enthusiasm is infectious.”
– Roberta Heller, Los Angeles CA
“Thank you for the feng shui consultation. I knew some adjustments were in order, but, boy, little did I know! We spent our Sunday clearing out the maple IKEA bookshelf in the corner and the two large metal file cabinets in the hallway and let me tell you what a HUGE difference it has made! We always planned to move them, but your visit prompted us to do it sooner rather than later. I still catch myself bracing before entering the hallway. We had such a terrible flow of energy in that space! Prior to your visit, I really wanted to make the library my special sanctuary and now I am on a mission to make this happen.
I hear what you are saying about the art. I will change it out and start looking for more positive art. Also, we removed the old empty bottles from the windows in the relationship corner and placed a small row in the kitchen window only. We got rid of the dead grasses in the kitchen, saving just a few for our memento box. Also, I’ve been drawing the solar shades before we retire at night and opening them in the morning. I really feel this makes a big difference. We are now actually living inside our home for a change and this is revealing what further changes need to be made in our space.
We need to look for some new plants, which we hope to get to this weekend. We still have a lot to do, but we now have our marching orders. Many thanks to you for giving us a fresh, positive, and unencumbered perspective. Making some of the changes you suggested have already made the energy feel so much better in our home. Thank you!”
– Natalie Reyes, San Francisco CA
“As an accomplished design executive and homeowner of 7 years, I have my fixer upper in Redwood City well fixed now and organized to suit my needs. I am a tidy soul who discovered that giving things a place in my home is easier on my stress level and on the eye because clutter happens infrequently and I am good at letting go of things when they have outlived their purpose.
I chose Susan Levitt to Feng Shui my home because she is someone I quickly learned to trust and respect. Susan is a consummate professional in Tarot, Astrology and Feng Shui. I met her in ’97 when a colleague gifted me a Tarot reading with Susan. It was an exciting and enjoyable experience seeing her move from room to room in my home identifying common themes and making adept and reasonable suggestions on how to enhance the energy flow around my home.
For example, the screen hedge I grew outside my front window I let overgrow this summer to shade the house and to shade me while I recovered from surgery. Susan recognized it for what it was “protection” and not a barrier to energy in my home. All of Susan’s suggestions from the feng shui consultation rang true with me. My relationship areas are crowded with work areas or dead brittle objects from the past. Some of the art I have doesn’t support me any more.
For example the sketch of a man hunting with his dog that I bought with my first pay check in England. My attachment to ugly objects gifted to me by family and friends I have hung onto and don’t fit with the rest of the environment I have created. Oh and that office guest bedroom which serves neither purpose very well. How liberating to have Susan point out what was blocking me from working at home. I really want to thank you for opening my eyes to how I can move forward by letting go of the things I have outgrown and begin to put value into the relationships of my life.”
– Sally Grisedale, Redwood City CA
“Thank you so much for coming to my home and making sense of this chaos. Ever since my son Jack was born, I just didn’t know what to do to get my house back on track. It looked like a daycare center in here. Everything you said about color, cleaning up, and organizing makes so much sense. And thanks for referring the organizer Janet Plocke. (Another Janet.) I wanted to let you know that I met with her yesterday and we’re getting started on our purging and organizing. I’m so excited! I’ve cleared off the top of the fridge, put away the pots and pans, and the kitchen looks amazing. And I emptied and cleaned the greenhouse window in the kitchen. Last week on my birthday, Jack and I planted a beautiful herb garden in there; five types of herbs, and they are thriving! Jack has been so involved with cutting them for using in our dinners. That was an AMAZING idea you had for the greenhouse, so thank you for that and all your other helpful, motivating input!!”
– Janet Stone, Palo Alto CA
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