Thursday October 31 is Halloween, the exact point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. The Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the north node of the Moon are all in passionate Water sign Scorpio. Fate knocks on the door, and past actions determine the outcome. Energy is also powerful on November 2, All Souls’ Day and the Day of the Dead, as lunar energy winds down to a Solar Eclipse.
Sunday November 3 at 4:50 am PST is a new Moon Eclipse in the Water sign Scorpio. Astrologically, there are many harmonious sextiles today that bring ease and good fortune. Scorpio can be serious, but also is a lot of fun! The Eclipse can bring to light things that have been hidden, making this an opportune time for divination. Please call me at 415.642.8019 or email susan@susanlevitt.com to schedule your Eclipse reading.
This new Moon begins the month of the Water Pig. Now is time for completion, but also time to appreciate the good life. So relax, enjoy, take care, and eat well in this Piggy month. Pig is opposite Snake so a Pig month is usually not considered fortunate in a Snake year. But this is the WATER Pig month in a WATER Snake year. The element Water creates a very harmonious flow of energy. Excellent for feng shui enhancements to increase your luck in relationships. My feng shui consultation info. The ease and flow of Pig month is luckiest for Pig, Tiger, Rabbit, and Sheep and the Water signs Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer.
Happy new Moon,
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