2024 Taurus Full Supermoon peak of Pig Lunar Month
Nov 15, 2024 at 1:24 pm PT is a full Supermoon in Taurus, the final Supermoon in 2024. Earth sign Taurus rules the 2nd house of Mother Nature plus the earthly aspects of life such as health, possessions, finances, security, and comfort making this full Moon and as the Moon wanes an optimal time to focus on practical matters. But this full Moon conjuncts Uranus in Taurus whereby people want something different, and can be impatient and moody, leading to impetuous actions. This can clear away what is no longer needed in life, but more likely there could be regret or consequences of impulsive...
2024 LIBRA FULL MOON ECLIPSE Click here to see my NBC California Live interview on Feng Shui for Spring Equinox: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/california-live/learn-how-to-use-feng-shui-to-declutter-your-space/3367216/?amp=1 March 25, 2024 at 12:00 am PT is a full Moon in Libra, and a lunar eclipse at 12:14 pm PT. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of marriage and partnerships. This powerful eclipse in Libra augers changes in relationships. There can be a new awareness of those around you, and a stronger understanding of emotions to find balance in partnerships. This full Moon trines Pluto...
Read More2024 Pisces New Moon begins Rabbit Lunar Month
2024 Pisces New Moon begins Rabbit Lunar Month March 10, 2024 at 1:00 am PT is a new Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of intuition, spirituality, and dreams. The new Moon, Sun, Saturn, and Neptune are all in Pisces for increased sensitivity and deeper emotional understanding. The influence of Pisces naturally enhances the mystical side of the Dragon in this Wood Dragon year. A new Moon is time for a new beginning. You can launch projects now during this new Moon phase and as the Moon waxes to full on March 25. Then take a pause as the full Moon will be a lunar eclipse....
Read More2024 Capricorn New Moon begins Ox Lunar Month
Jan 11, 2024 at 3:57 am PT is a new Moon in Capricorn. Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of career, finances, and the realistic practicalities of life. The new Moon, Sun, Mars, and Pluto are all in Capricorn bringing determination, strength, and know-how to get the job done. The influence of Mars and Pluto can bring intensity for swift and decisive change to clean up, clear out, and complete projects before the next new Moon that begins Wood Dragon year. This new Moon begins Ox lunar month, the final month of Water Rabbit year. Water Rabbit was an opportune year for health and...
Read More2023 Taurus New Moon is Fire Snake Lunar Month
May 19, 2023 at 8:53 am PT is a new moon in Taurus. Venus rules Taurus, making it the sign of art and beauty. Earth sign Taurus rules the second house of money, possessions, and the material realm. The new Moon, Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in Taurus that can be very grounding and healing. Plus Jupiter (newly in Taurus) brings luck in general to everyone, especially Taurus. This new Moon begins the lunar month of the Fire Snake until June 17. Time to shed skins of the past, and with so many planets in Taurus, especially shed if you have too much stuff! In Chinese...
Read More2023 Libra Full Moon in Dragon Month
April 5, 2023 at 9:34 pm PDT is a full Moon in Libra. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of partnership and marriage. Focus is on both business and romantic relationships this full Moon and as the moon wanes during the next two weeks. Communications are especially fortunate as Mercury in Taurus sextiles Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. These transits are favorable for planning or negotiations, for working cooperatively, and for travel. The Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Aries that brings good luck, and Mars trines Saturn to more easily work towards your goals. Take advantage of all...
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