Posted by on Oct 15, 2014 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, The Week in Chinese astrology | 1 comment

Taoist Astrology by Susan LevittOCTOBER 20 – 26 2014


Highlights this week are a Solar Eclipse New Moon at 2:57 pm PT on Thursday, Mercury goes direct on Saturday, and a double Horse Sunday!

Mon Oct 20 is Wood RAT day when Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in a pack for new ideas and creativity. Mercury sextiles Jupiter and opposes Uranus to engage in fortunate communications. Easy to be clever and find hidden solutions, even though Mercury is still retrograde until October 25. Sun trines Neptune bringing idealism and interest in spirituality. Rat day luck strong for Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey. Rat hours 11 pm – 1 am.

Tues Oct 21 is Wood OX day. Moon squares Mars so can feel testy, on the offensive. Fortunately Sun conjuncts Venus for love, art, and beauty. Plus Venus sextiles Mars to feel connected emotionally. Many sextiles for harmonious flow of energy helped by grounding influence of Ox. Wood day in Wood month and Wood year helps to pick up the slow Ox pace. Ox day luck strong for Ox, Rat, Snake, and Phoenix (Rooster). Ox hours 1 am – 3 am.

Wed Oct 22 is Fire TIGER (red Tiger) day. Moon conjuncts Mercury for fun conversations and insights. Plus Moon and Mercury are opposite Uranus for something new, to break routine. Sun and Mercury trine Neptune to follow Tiger instincts. But stay calm on this Fire Tiger day as energy winds down to a New Moon Eclipse tomorrow. Tiger day luck strong for Tiger, Dog, Horse, and Pig. Tiger hours 3 am – 5 am.

Thurs Oct 23 is a SOLAR ECLIPSE New Moon at 2:57 pm PT. Sun, Moon, and Venus blend together for love, art, and passion! Under the influence of Venus it’s time to explore your creative possibilities and potential. This New Moon Eclipse begins the second consecutive Wood Dog month so continue to act with honesty and integrity. This New Moon trines Neptune for strong intuition and heightened senses — and Dog does love to sniff out the truth! Wood Dog month in Wood Horse year is lucky, so virtuous actions just make life easier. What is put into action now at the time of these October eclipses will come to fruition at Spring Equinox in Wood Sheep year 2015.

Fri Oct 24 is Earth DRAGON day. Sun, Moon, and Venus trine Neptune for inspired Dragon dreams. Moon sextiles Pluto for emotional intensity, adding to the usual Dragon day feelings of karma, fate, and destiny in even the smallest encounter or activity. Fortunately, the golden Earth Dragon helps to stay grounded and powerful. Dragon day luck strong for Dragon, Rat, Snake, and Monkey. Dragon hours 7 – 9 am.

Sat Oct 25 is Earth SNAKE day. Communication planet Mercury goes direct, is no longer retrograde. Still some Mercury retrograde influence until Nov 22 New Moon that begins festive Wood Pig month. Direct Mercury is opposite Uranus and squares Pluto can feel scattered or compulsive. Instead, use extra mental energy for understanding or deep memories. That pleases philosophical Snake. Fast transit of Moon conjunct Saturn today so can pessimistic or blue. Fortunately Sun conjunct Venus continues to pursue art and beauty that Snake adores. Snake day luck strong for Snake, Ox, Dragon, and Phoenix (Rooster). Snake hours 9 -11 am.

Sun Oct 26 is DOUBLE HORSE day: Metal Horse day in this Wood Horse year. Moon squares Neptune for dreams and idea, so not a day for serious plans. Horse around as Moon trines Uranus to bust loose, lighten up, and have some fun. Mercury, Uranus, and Pluto in a t-square so get out of town or find some way to blow off steam. Plus luck in romance as Sun conjuncts Venus on sexy Horse day. Double Horse day luck strong for Horse, Tiger, Sheep, and Dog. Horse hours 11 am – 1 pm.

Good luck and have a great week,


One Comment

  1. Why does the PIG hardly ever have good luck days and will that change next year?
    Thank you

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