May 10 2017 is a full Moon in powerful and passionate Water sign Scorpio. This full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces for increased imagination, and is fortunate for all types of creative and artistic expression. There is heightened sensitivity to the moods of others, and this new empathy and understanding leads to emotional growth and maturity. This powerful energy is ideal for this full Moon that marks the peak of Snake month, the time to shed skins of the past, release old patterns, and be reborn in springtime.
The full Moon sextiles Pluto in Capricorn that brings to the surface deep feeling and emotions. This can have a healing and therapeutic influence on relationships, and can lead to personal transformation. Plus the Sun in Taurus trines Pluto for understanding what motivates you, and to gain clarity about what you’d like to change.
Mars in Gemini trines Jupiter in Libra that brings strength and vigor, and is excellent for taking action. This Air trine is especially favorable for business activities, and you can advance your own interests. Mars squares Neptune so be sure that all interactions are scrupulous. And it’s OK to change course or readjust when needed.
Full Moon energy is most strongly felt by Water signs Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer and those born in Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep years. Contact me for your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation as Snake month completes, and to
prepare for Fire Horse month that starts on the new Moon.
Happy full Moon,
So I’m a cancer / rabbit guess I better get ready huh! ✨
Dear friend,
Yes, get ready to be even more sensitive and empathetic! This is your strength so honor it. Follow your intuition, and note what occurs in your dreams.