2018 Scorpio New Moon begins Pig Month

Posted by on Nov 5, 2018 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments


November 7 2018 is a new Moon in Scorpio that sets the tone for this lunar month. Water sign Scorpio rules the astrological 8th house of sex, death, and rebirth making Scorpios compassionate and extremely intuitive.

The new Moon and Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Water sign Pisces, bringing strong insights and emotional understanding. Creativity is enhanced, and people are more idealistic. The new Moon and Sun sextile Pluto in Earth sign Capricorn for practical development that can further spiritual growth.

This new Moon begins the lunar month of the Water Pig. Pig is a generous soul with a good heart. The element Water adds kindness and empathy. Pig month is a time of peace making when kind actions are rewarded, and people can work together in harmony. Pig is diplomatic, and can be both giving and forgiving, so use Pig’s magnanimous energy this month to build bridges.

Under the influence of fun and optimistic Pig, let the holidays begin! Pig appreciates a good party and all the fine things in life, especially good food. So eat, drink, be merry, and enjoy community. Venus in Libra trines Mars in Aquarius for festive times and luck in love.

Honest Pig can sometimes be naive, so be sure that no one takes advantage of you this month, especially in financial dealings. If feeling stressed, this Water Pig lunar month is ideal to take a healing vacation, relax, and not work so hard. If traveling, note that…



Traditionally in astrology, Mercury retrograde is a time of miscommunication, technology problems, and items lost or misplaced. But in this Earth Dog year, Mercury retrograde can be a time to follow through, keep your word, and complete projects. Communication planet Mercury is retrograde for three weeks.

November 16 – 30 Mercury is retrograde in Fire sign Sagittarius to move quickly and complete tasks. Use caution to not speak so directly that conflict is created and viewpoints are polarized.

December 1 – 6 Mercury is retrograde in Water sign Scorpio when emotions come to the surface. There can be new intimacy in relationships.

Contact me for your tarot card reading for Pig month, or feng shui consultation to prepare for an abundant Pig year 2019. Luck is strongest for Water signs Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces and those born in Pig, Tiger, Rabbit, and Sheep years.

Happy new Moon,


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