August 11, 2022 at 6:36 pm PDT is a full super Moon in Aquarius. Air sign Aquarius rules the eleventh house of communication, societies, and technology. Time for some new ideas, inspiration, and direction.
This full Moon marks the peak of Monkey lunar month. Anticipate more surprises as Monkey’s lunar cycle wanes until August 26. This full Moon is opposite the Sun in Leo that could lead to sensitive egos, especially about taking responsibility due to the full Moon in conjunction with Saturn.
The full Moon and Sun square Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. People may be resistant to changing behaviors that are not serving themselves or others, and no one wants to be told what to do!
Fortunately, three trines assist with these conjunctions. Mercury in rulership sign Virgo trines Uranus, bringing an element of genius that enhances Monkey’s innate problem-solving skills. Venus, newly in Leo, trines Neptune bringing romance and passion. Mars trines Pluto to realize motives and make reforms.
This is an opportune phase to launch plans and complete projects prior to September 2. Mercury will be retrograde from September 9 to October 2. However, we feel the retrograde influence a week before and a week after.
Opportunities are strongest for Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra and those born in Horse, Dog, and Monkey years. Contact me for your tarot card reading or astrology forecast to gain clarity and illuminate your path forward with accuracy and intent.
Happy full Moon,
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