2024 LIBRA FULL MOON ECLIPSE Click here to see my NBC California Live interview on Feng Shui for Spring Equinox: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/california-live/learn-how-to-use-feng-shui-to-declutter-your-space/3367216/?amp=1 March 25, 2024 at 12:00 am PT is a full Moon in Libra, and a lunar eclipse at 12:14 pm PT. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of marriage and partnerships. This powerful eclipse in Libra augers changes in relationships. There can be a new awareness of those around you, and a stronger understanding of emotions to find balance in partnerships. This full Moon trines Pluto...
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STRUCTURE IN DRAGON YEAR 2012 Events occur quickly in this Water DRAGON year. It’s easy to let things pile up. But don’t! Clutter = chaos in feng shui. You don’t want to create clutter, only to find yourself drowning in stuff at the end of this Dragon year. You want to ride high and succeed in a Dragon year, not fall because you were unprepared when opportunity knocked — unprepared due to self-created unnecessary chaos from a cluttered and chaotic environment. CLEAN OUT CLOSETS If you haven’t done your spring cleaning yet, there’s still time to do it. But...
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