2020 Gemini New Moon begins Second Snake Month
May 22 2020 at 10:39 am PDT is a new Moon in Gemini. Air sign Gemini rules the 3rd house of ideas and communication. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Gemini for social times, close personal interactions, and virtual group activities. The new Moon and Sun trine Jupiter and Saturn. Trines with Jupiter are considered fortunate. There is creative potential for new interests and and new learning. And there can be increased understanding and concern for the general public, even the welfare of strangers. Trines with Saturn can bring practical discipline and self control. It’s...
Read More2018 Libran Double Dog New Moon
NEW MOON in LIBRA Oct 8 2018 is a new Moon in Libra. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of partnership and marriage, and is symbolized by the scales of justice. This lunar month is time to focus on fairness in relationships. Libra is ruled by Venus to easily appreciate art and beauty. Venus is retrograde for six weeks every one and a half years. Venus is retrograde from Oct 5 to Nov 16. From Oct 5 to Oct 30, Venus is retrograde in Scorpio. Deep-feeling Water sign Scorpio can bring emotional awareness. Oct 31 to Nov 16, Venus is in Libra bringing a need for balanced reciprocity in all...
Read More2017 FULL MOON in VIRGO March 12
March 12 2017 is a full Moon in Virgo. Earth sign Virgo rules the 6th house of health, service, and work. These activities are the focus of this full Moon energy, and the energy of the next two weeks as the lunar cycle wanes. Fortunately, the full Moon trines Pluto making emotions stronger with more sensitivity and empathy towards others. Pluto brings psychological insights that lead to growth and understanding. Relationships can be a source of self discovery. Connections are not superficial, and there is a desire for depth in all your interactions. Plus love planet Venus is retrograde from...
Read More2015 Aquarian Blue Moon
FULL MOON in AQUARIUS July 31, 2015 at 3:43 am PT is a full Moon in Aquarius, a blue Moon because it’s the second full Moon this month. But no need to be blue! The Moon is full in the inventive and freedom-loving Air sign Aquarius. Aquarians are innovative, independent, and champion social change. This blue Moon weekend is the peak of Sheep month in Sheep year. Under the influence of diplomatic Sheep, it’s easier to network and expand your circle. But Aquarians have strong opinions, and with the blue Moon opposite the Sun and Mercury in Leo, there will be many opinions, novel ideas, and much...
Love planet Venus retrogrades back into LEO until mid October so time to express yourself. Leo loves some drama and romance. OK to roar! Retrograde means that from earth, it appears that a planet is going backwards in its orbit around the sun. The planet is not really going backwards, but the planets orbit the sun at different speeds so it looks like the planet is going backwards. For example, if you were on a train and the train next to you seems to be going backwards or its wheels appear to be spinning backwards, it’s because the trains are going at different...
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