June 24 – 30, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology

Posted by on Jun 22, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology | 0 comments

chinese_zodiac_wheel_necklace-r156d32f74d804e9196fe716301029978_fkok9_8byvr_512Highlights this week are major planets in a grand trine for easy flow of energy, Mercury goes retrograde on easy Pig day Wednesday, and a fun Fire Tiger Saturday for celebration!

Monday June 24 is a smart, focused Metal Rooster (Phoenix) day. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are in a harmonious trine for grace, ease, and opportunities that soften Rooster’s toughness. The Moon is opposite Mercury and Venus for interesting conversations and different viewpoints — or stretching the truth and telling a tall tale — under the influence of the lively and entertaining Rooster. Luck is strongest for Rooster, Ox, Dragon, and Snake and during Rooster hours 5 pm – 7 pm.

Tuesday June 25 is the day of the heroic, altruistic Water Dog (black Dog). Time to do for others. Moon squares Saturn so you could feel lonely or negative. But you will feel better if you join the pack and work collectively. Events flow smoothly with a grand trine of major planets, and the Moon sextiles Uranus for innovation and inspiration. Luck is strongest for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, and Horse and during Dog hours 7 pm – 9 pm.

Wednesday June 26 is a pleasant Water Pig day. Lighten up, take a break! Communication planet Mercury goes retrograde until July 20. During the Mercury retrograde in this Water Snake year, slow down and be more thorough. And be very picky about any documents that you sign. Mercury is retrograde for three weeks three times a year. Luck is strongest for Pig, Tiger, Rabbit, and Sheep and during Pig hours 9 pm – 11 pm.

Thursday June 27 is an industrious Wood Rat day but Mercury just turned retrograde so best to review, redo, and re-evaluate. Moon blends with Neptune and trines Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn for creativity, good feelings with others, and much good fortune. Long-range plans can fall into place and it’s easier to get organized. Luck is strongest for Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey, and during Rat hours 11 pm – 1 am.

Friday June 28 is a Wood Ox day when the Moon squares Mars so avoid disputes or any rash action. Fortunately Moon trines Mercury for a balance between feelings and intellect. Stay with the flow of Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in a grand trine, and it’s better to go slow in a Snake year. Stay current with communication during this three week Mercury retrograde cycle. Luck is strongest for Ox, Rat, Snake, and Rooster and during Ox hours 1 am – 3 am.

Saturday June 29 is a hot Fire Tiger (red Tiger) day when no one wants to bossed around or told what to do. Now is a waning half Moon for balance between Tiger independence or enjoying the company of others. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are still in a grand trine for easy flow and creative action. Plus the Moon trines Venus for love, harmony, and a great time to have a party! Luck is strongest for Tiger, Dog, Horse, and Pig and during Tiger hours 3 am – 5 am.

Sunday June 30 is an artistic Fire Rabbit day. Moon blends with Uranus for something different, and Moon sextiles Mars bringing strength and vigor that’s useful on a Rabbit day. Sun, Moon, and Pluto make a T-square for tension in relationships, but Rabbit’s gentle and diplomatic influence saves the day. Sun and Jupiter trine Saturn and Neptune so peace is made and all ends well. Luck is strongest for Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, and Pig and during Rabbit hours 5 am – 7 am.

Have a great week!



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