2017 Pisces Full Moon

Posted by on Sep 2, 2017 in Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments


September 6 2017 is a full Moon in Pisces. Sensitive Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of spirituality and mysticism. The full Moon conjuncts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, bringing increased empathy that’s excellent for heart-to-heart talks, and is inspiring for creative artistic expression. People are in touch with emotions, especially feelings that may have surfaced during the recent eclipse.

The full Moon sextiles Pluto for therapeutic conversations, opportunities for transformation in relationships, and hidden truths can be revealed. For some people, this full Moon energy unlocks latent psychic ability, and answers can arrive in dreams.

The full Moon and Neptune are opposite the Sun in Virgo. People could feel strange or odd moods, especially if they become overcritical. Should this occur, strive to balance home with professional life. Fortunately, the Sun trines Pluto to understand motivations, further self knowledge, and develop wisdom.


Mercury conjuncts Mars for increased mental energy and stamina. But there could be ego conflicts and unnecessary fighting. Mercury and Mars trine Uranus bringing a wider scope, new interests, and personal growth. People can break down barriers with their new understanding. And communication will be easier after Mercury retrograde ends on September 5.

Luck is strongest for Water signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio and those born in Rabbit, Sheep, Pig, and Dog years. Contact me for your tarot reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation.

Happy full Moon,


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