August 14, 2015 at 7:53 am PT is a NEW MOON IN LEO. The Sun, new Moon, Venus, and Mars are all in creative Fire sign Leo for luck in love, and strength for new endeavors. Plus the Sun and new Moon conjunct expansive Jupiter that’s opportune for career development, travel experiences, and expanding your circle.
Also fortunate is Sun, new Moon, and Venus trine Uranus in fiery Aries. Doors can open, and the pace of life quickens. But note that Sun, new Moon, and Jupiter square Saturn so people can feel impatient. No one wants to be told what to do. Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune, and trines Pluto, not the best aspect for long-term decision making but good for sudden mercurial insights.
Very helpful is that Mars trines Saturn to get energy moving, and get work done, especially since this new Moon begins the lunar month of the WOOD MONKEY. During active Monkey month there can be fun, excitement, and fast luck for everyone.
This autumn can be like a second springtime of growth, activity, and opportunities especially for Fire signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries and those born in Monkey, Rat, and Dragon years. Call me in San Francisco at 415.642.8019 or email to schedule your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation.
Happy new Moon,
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