WOOD PHOENIX (Rooster) MONTH until Oct 12
The solar eclipse in Virgo on Sept 12 began Phoenix month.
Virgo rules the sixth house of health, work, and service to others. Virgo is an intelligent and practical Earth sign ruled by Mercury. This lunar month is time to focus on health, nutrition, finances, and other earthly matters. We can creatively problem solve under the influence of analytical Virgo. This new Moon was a solar (new Moon) eclipse. An eclipse is an absence of light when the shadow is seen, making this lunar month ideal to release and let go of the past, heal, and transform. No more walking forward looking back. Call me at 415.642.8019 or email susan@susanlevitt.com to schedule your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation.
Communication planet Mercury is retrograde in Air sign Libra from September 17 until October 9. Relationships will be important under the influence of Libra. Mercury retrograde lasts for three weeks.
The new Moon in Libra on October 12 at 5:06 pm PT begins the month of the Fire Dog.
Libra rules the seventh house of marriage and relationships. Libra is an Air sign ruled by Venus. This lunar month is time to focus on relationships, and under the influence of strong Fire Dog loyalty and integrity are important. Click here to know all about the Dog!
The full Moon in Taurus on October 27 at 5:05 am PT is a time for celebration and merriment!
Taurus is a sensual earth sign ruled by Venus. Eat, drink, and be merry! The holiday season is very bright in this Sheep year. And a full Moon so close to Halloween adds to the appreciation of life, harvest, and abundance.
October 31 and November 2 mark the timing of the point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice.
These minor solar holidays are time to honor ancestors, focus inward, and anticipate the seasonal wheel turning as nights grow longer. Click here for more info on major and minor solar holidays.
MERCURY is retrograde in Air sign Libra until October 9. Relationship dynamics will be important under the influence of Libra.
URANUS is retrograde in Fire sign Aries until December 25. New ideas and breakthroughs could take more time or attention than anticipated.
NEPTUNE is retrograde in Water sign Pisces until November 18. Neptune in any Water sign is a natural fit for the planet named after the God of the Ocean.
Wishing you good luck in October,
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