Posted by on May 5, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 2 comments

Taurus by Picasso


Thursday May 9 is a new Moon eclipse at 5:28 pm PDT in the solid Earth sign Taurus the Bull. This new Moon is time to focus on practical earthly matters: your health, the food you eat, your money and financial security, career and the work you do.

An eclipse is an absence of light when the “shadow” is seen so now there are opportunities to address practical matters that you may have been avoiding. Passions and goals are strong as the Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Taurus for a burst of new energy. Just be realistic about the amount of work involved to achieve a goal or manifest a dream because…


This new Moon eclipse begins the month of the Fire Snake, creating double Snake power: a Snake month in a Snake year! The Fire Snake can be very driven, is intense, spiritual, and born to succeed. Fire Snake is a dynamic worker who is not easily intimidated by anyone or anything. So luck is with you to set and accomplish goals, launch new endeavors, try new methods, and take innovative risks.

But be thorough in this Snake year and slow is better, especially with so many planets in Taurus. Luck is strongest for the Earth signs Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo and for those born in Snake, Ox, Dragon, and Phoenix (Rooster) years, and during Snake hours 9 am – 11 am.

Happy new Moon,



  1. Tuesday morning (7 May) I dreamt I was bitten 5 or 6 times on the back of my neck by a Snake! what does that mean!!

    • Dear Tia,
      Back of the neck is the throat chakra about communication. A Snake biting so many times could be to open up and speak out.
      Was the dream scary or interesting? How you feel also indicated meaning.
      Good luck! Speak out Tia!

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