2019 Sagittarius Full Moon in Horse Month
June 17 2019 is a full Moon in Sagittarius. Fire sign Sagittarius rules the 9th house of exploration, travel, and learning. This full Moon marks the peak of Horse month. Both Sagittarius and Horse are ruled by the element Fire. They like fast forward movement, and stay strong to the truth of their convictions. The full Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Sagittarius that’s fortunate for everyone. People are in touch with their emotions, and have heightened intuition. Contact me for your tarot card reading or astrology charts for guidance. Mercury conjuncts Mars in Cancer. The power...
Read More2019 Gemini New Moon begins Metal Horse Month
June 3 2019 is a new Moon in Gemini. Air sign Gemini rules the third house of communication, intellect, and ideas. The Sun, new Moon, and Mercury are all in Gemini bringing inspiration for new concepts and plans to put into action this month. Travel, especially short trips, is fortunate to expand your horizons. This new Moon begins month of the Metal Horse, the powerful war Horse. Metal Horse is focused and can leap over obstacles. There’s not a split between mind and emotions with determined Metal Horse in charge. The Sun and new Moon are opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is a...
Read More2017 Gemini New Moon begins Fire Horse Month
May 25 2017 is a new Moon in Air sign Gemini. Bright and lively Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of ideas and communication. So this lunar month is time to put your ideas into action. Plus this new Moon begins the month of the Fire Horse. Fire Horse month in this Fire Phoenix (Rooster) year creates a great deal of Fire for passionate and creativity. Horse can bring victory, adventure, excitement, and surprising romance. Decisive action, not procrastination, leads to success. Mars, also in Gemini, is opposite Saturn in Sagittarius that requires focus and perseverance. But Fire...
Read MoreVideo: Horse Month in Monkey Year
A woman from google, a user experience researcher, stopped by my place for me to beta test google’s new Director video app for iPhone 7. I was videoed using the new app, and then the vid was to be played for the google research team to help improve user interfacing. I was probably selected because I have a google account, and my zip code is in San Francisco. For my one hour of time, I received a $100 Visa gift card. At first, I could not figure it out because a couple of the prompts were not clear. Then it suddenly clicked, so the researcher helped me make a video. For a topic, I...
Read More2016 Gemini New Moon begins Horse Month
ICON BOOK NOMINEE My book Introduction To Tarot is nominated by my publisher for an Icon award from COVR Coalition of Visionary Resources. Introduction to Tarot is included in The Complete Tarot Kit, but the book can be purchased separately for those who already have tarot cards and only need the book. Votes equal 40% of the Icon award, and 60% is based on decisions by people who work in the field of visionary resources. Please take a moment to vote here. I appreciate your support. HORSE MONTH June 4, 2016 at 7:59 pm PT is a new Moon that begins the month of the Wood Horse. Horse is a yang...
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